CARBINE Fundamentals
Carbine Fundamentals is designed to instill the essential skills needed to employ your Carbine for common defense. This is not a class about firearms ownership or maintenance. It is a hands-on class focused on building a solid foundation for the intended use of your firearm as a weapon in defense of yourself, your loved ones, your home, or your country.
As with all of our Fundamental Firearms Training, this class uses a crawl-walk-run training methodology.
As with all of our Fundamental Firearms Training, this class uses a crawl-walk-run training methodology.
Duration: Approximately 6 Hours
Cost: $200 per person (base cost varies depending on location) Topics covered: ✅ Gear placement & management ✅ Establishing proper zero ✅ Fundamentals of defensive marksmanship ✅ Rapid distance evaluation ✅ "Surgical" shot placement ✅ Proactive & reactive loading ✅ Malfunction clearances ✅Deliberate & improvised shooting positions |
Required gear:
If you rely on a carbine for defense, you need this class! There's a vast difference between plinking coke cans and protecting innocent life. Contact us at 812-292-9554 for scheduling.